package audio.output; import; import; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; import org.trianacode.taskgraph.Unit; import org.tritonus.share.sampled.AudioSystemShadow; import org.tritonus.share.sampled.file.AudioOutputStream; import org.tritonus.share.sampled.file.TDataOutputStream; import triana.types.SampleSet; import; import; /** * A Unit class to support the writing/saving of (chunked/nonchunked) audio. A seperate thread is used for the actual * writing, to boost CPU efficiency, which the toByteArray method converts the audio from a short array to a byte array * in ths current thread/class. This requires the use of Tritonus jars, which are now included as part of the Triana * distribution. * <p/> * Created by Eddie Al-Shakarchi Contact * * @author Eddie Al-Shakarchi * @version $Revision: 4052 $ */ public class WriteAiff_old extends Unit { public static final long filt = (long) (Math.pow(2.0, 8) - 1); static boolean bigendian = true; static { try { String os = System.getProperty(""); if (os.startsWith("Windows")) { bigendian = false; } } catch (Exception ee) { bigendian = false; } } int oldBufferSize = 0; int outputBufferSize; byte[] bytedata; //TargetDataLine outputChannel = null; // This is initialised for the DataLine.Info line later AudioFormat format = null; AudioFormat newformat = null; AudioFormat outputFormat = null; AudioWriter audioWriter = null; AudioInputStream audioInputStream; AudioFileFormat.Type audioFileFormat; File outputFile; String formatType; String fileName = ""; String fileName2; byte[] bytes; TDataOutputStream dataOutputStream = null; AudioOutputStream audioOutputStream = null; /** * **************************************************************************************** This is the main * processing method. Called whenever there is data for the unit to process ***************************************************************************************** */ public void process() throws Exception { Object in = getInputAtNode(0); MultipleAudio input = (MultipleAudio) in; // SampleSet if (in instanceof SampleSet) { SampleSet input2 = (SampleSet) in; newformat = new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, (float) input2.getSamplingRate(), 16, 1, 2, (int) input2.getSamplingRate(), bigendian); bytes = AudioUtils.to16BitByteArray(input2, newformat); } // A MultipleAudio type else { newformat = input.getAudioFormat(); AudioFormat au; // For each channel for (int chan = 0; chan < newformat.getChannels(); ++chan) { au = input.getAudioFormat(); // grab the audio format if (!newformat.matches(au)) { throw new Exception("Incompatible Format Error in " + getToolName() + "\n : Format at node 0 is : \n" + newformat + "\n and format at node " + String.valueOf(chan) + " is : \n" + au); } } // convert to byte array in correct format try { bytes = toByteArray(input); // calls toByteArray method on 'input' if (newformat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 8) { outputBufferSize = input.getChannelLength(0); } else if (newformat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 16) { outputBufferSize = input.getChannelLength(0) * 4; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Incompatible Data Error in " + getToolName()); } } if (audioWriter == null) { setUpWriter(newformat); // can only set one format per output line format = newformat; audioWriter = new AudioWriter(audioOutputStream); audioWriter.addChunk(bytes); audioWriter.start(); } else { audioWriter.addChunk(bytes); } output(in); // output the input data if there are any output nodes } /* public void setUpGUI(){ JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setDialogTitle("Save Audio to File"); if (chooser.showOpenDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { String fn = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); userScreen(chooser.getSelectedFile().getName()); updateParameter("fileName", fn); lastDir = chooser.getSelectedFile().getPath(); } } */ /** * **************************************************************************************** This method sets up the * output stream, and is only called IF there is a change in the * format of the incoming audio. The * dataOutputStream is started - it's written to on the * fly in the AudioWriter class * * **************************************************************************************** */ public void setUpWriter(AudioFormat audioFormat) { System.out.println("Setting Up Writer..."); if (fileName.endsWith(".aiff") || fileName.endsWith(".aif")) { //(formatType = WAV)){ audioFileFormat = AudioFileFormat.Type.AIFF; fileName2 = fileName; } else { audioFileFormat = AudioFileFormat.Type.AIFF; fileName2 = fileName + ".aiff"; } outputFile = new File(fileName2); //Creates new audio format object outputFormat = new AudioFormat(audioFormat.getEncoding(), audioFormat.getSampleRate(), audioFormat.getSampleSizeInBits(), audioFormat.getChannels(), audioFormat.getFrameSize(), audioFormat.getFrameRate(), audioFormat.isBigEndian()); System.out.println("In WRITE : Format.. " + outputFormat); System.out.println("Frame size = " + outputFormat.getFrameSize()); System.out.println("Frame Rate = " + outputFormat.getFrameRate()); long lLengthInBytes = AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED; try { dataOutputStream = AudioSystemShadow.getDataOutputStream(outputFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } audioFileFormat = AudioFileFormat.Type.AIFF; audioOutputStream = AudioSystemShadow.getAudioOutputStream(audioFileFormat, outputFormat, lLengthInBytes, dataOutputStream); // This uses the DataLine.Info subclass to obtain and open a target data line // DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, outputFormat); // try { // outputChannel = ((TargetDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info)); //; // outputChannel.start(); // } // catch (LineUnavailableException e) { // System.err.println("ERROR!! line not supported : " + audioFormat); // } } /** * ************************************************************************ This method converts the multiple audio * input to a specific byte array,* taking into account the bit depth of the audio file. * * ************************************************************************ */ public byte[] toByteArray(MultipleAudio input) throws Exception { int frameSizeInBytes = newformat.getFrameSize(); int channels = newformat.getChannels(); int chan; int samples = 0; int pos; int i, j; for (chan = 0; chan < channels; ++chan) { if (samples < input.getChannelLength(chan)) { samples = input.getChannelLength(chan); } } samples = samples * channels; if (frameSizeInBytes == 2) { bytedata = new byte[(frameSizeInBytes * samples)]; } else { bytedata = new byte[(frameSizeInBytes * samples) / 2]; } // For each channel... basically this converts from multiple audio to byte array for (chan = 0; chan < channels; ++chan) { Object o = input.getChannel(chan); if (newformat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 8) { byte channel[] = (byte[]) o; for (i = 0; i < channel.length; ++i) { bytedata[chan + (i * channels)] = channel[i]; } } else if (newformat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 16) { int b = 2; short bitVal; short vals[] = (short[]) o; if (bigendian) { for (j = 0; j < vals.length; ++j) { pos = j * channels; bitVal = (short) vals[j]; for (i = 0; i < b; ++i) { bytedata[(chan * b) + (pos * b) + (b - i - 1)] = (byte) (bitVal & filt); bitVal = (short) (bitVal >> 8); } } } else { // a windows machine ... need to swap the bytes back for the audio engine for (j = 0; j < vals.length; ++j) { pos = j * channels; bitVal = (short) vals[j]; for (i = 0; i < b; ++i) { bytedata[(chan * b) + (pos * b) + i] = (byte) (bitVal & filt); bitVal = (short) (bitVal >> 8); } } } } else { // assume 32 bit int b = 4; int bitVal; int vals[] = (int[]) o; if (bigendian) { for (j = 0; j < vals.length; ++j) { pos = j * channels; bitVal = (int) vals[j]; for (i = 0; i < b; ++i) { bytedata[(chan * b) + b - i - 1 + (pos * b)] = (byte) (bitVal & filt); bitVal = (short) (bitVal >> 8); } } } else { // swap 'em if little endian for (j = 0; j < vals.length; ++j) { pos = j * channels; bitVal = (int) vals[j]; for (i = 0; i < b; ++i) { bytedata[(chan * b) + i + (pos * b)] = (byte) (bitVal & filt); bitVal = (short) (bitVal >> 8); } } } } } return bytedata; } /** * Called when the unit is created. Initialises the unit's properties and parameters. */ public void init() { super.init(); // Initialise node properties setDefaultInputNodes(1); setMinimumInputNodes(1); setMaximumInputNodes(1); setDefaultOutputNodes(1); setMinimumOutputNodes(0); setMaximumOutputNodes(Integer.MAX_VALUE); // Initialise parameter update policy setParameterUpdatePolicy(IMMEDIATE_UPDATE); // Initialise pop-up description and help file location setPopUpDescription("Saves audio as AIFF file"); setHelpFileLocation("WriteAIFF.html"); // Define initial value and type of parameters defineParameter("fileName", "untitled", USER_ACCESSIBLE); // Initialise GUI builder interface String guilines = ""; guilines += "New File Name: $title fileName TextField untitled\n"; setGUIBuilderV2Info(guilines); } public void reset() { // Set unit variables to the values specified by the parameters fileName = (String) getParameter("fileName"); stopDeMusicMan(); } // Stops the music using methods from Java Sound API public void stopDeMusicMan() { if (audioWriter == null) { return; } audioWriter.stopWriter(); try { audioOutputStream.close(); } catch (Exception ee) { } audioOutputStream = null; format = null; audioWriter = null; } /** * Called when the unit is disposed of. */ public void dispose() { System.out.println("Disposig Audio Writer"); stopDeMusicMan(); } /** * Called a parameters is updated (e.g. by the GUI) */ public void parameterUpdate(String paramname, Object value) { if (paramname.equals("fileName")) { fileName = (String) value; } } /** * @return an array of the input types for StringGen */ public String[] getInputTypes() { return new String[]{"triana.types.SampleSet", ""}; } /** * @return an array of the output types for StringGen */ public String[] getOutputTypes() { return new String[]{"triana.types.SampleSet", ""}; } }